Law of Feykro
Here are the laws of Feykro:
- You may not kill any animals, unless you are starving (your food bar is empty), or if you are a member of Feykro.
- You may not murder people unless they have tried killing you,
- Griefing is not allowed, even if you plan on returning it,
- You may build/ destroy if you are told by Nic1337
- It is not allowed to build within 50 blocks of Feykro’s area’s
- You must pay all the taxes and entry fees (they are on signs placed on the area that you must pay for)
- Those who are banned from Feykro are not allowed to enter unless told so by me Nic1337,
If you fail to obey to any of these laws you shall get a 100$ fine and/or jail (depending on what crime you did longer or shorter) and/or in the most extreme cases you shall be sentenced to death.
Those who are banned from Feykro’s areas are: TI_020106
Inhabitants: NicTheFifth, ReniMarus, SmaugJuice.